
EL-FLOW Base F-201AB

Mass Flow Controller for Gases, Standard & Straightforward

  • Accurate mass flow measurement/control
  • Proven thermal bypass sensor
  • Fast response, excellent repeatability
  • Virtually pressure and temperature independent
  • Cost effective solution
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Gas Mass Flow Controllers for OEM Applications

Bronkhorst® EL-FLOW® Base model F-201AB Mass Flow Controllers (MFCs) are standard and straightforard instruments suited for precise measurement and control of flow ranges between 0,4…20 ln/min and 1,4…70 ln/min at operating pressures between vacuum and 10 bar(g). EL-FLOW® Base instruments are equipped with a digital pc-board, offering high accuracy, excellent temperature stability and fast response. In addition to the standard analog I/O the MFCs also offer RS232 or Modbus-RTU or -ASCII communication.

EL-FLOW® Base is an economical solution for installation in (OEM) systems e.g. in coating or welding applications.

Technical specifications

Measurement / control system
Flow range (intermediate ranges available)min. 0,4…20 ln/min
max. 1,4…70 ln/min
(based on N2)
Accuracy (incl. linearity) (based on actual calibration)± 1 % FS
Repeatability< 0,2 % RD
Turndown ratio1:50 (2…100%)
Operating pressure0…10 bar g
Settling time (in control, typical)approx. 1 sec.
Control stability< ± 0,1 % FS (typical for 1 ln/min N2)
Operating temperature0 … 50 °C
Temperature sensitivityzero: < 0,1% FS/°C; span: < 0,1% Rd/°C
Pressure sensitivity< 0,15% Rd/bar at 4...10 bar(g);
< 0,25% Rd/bar at 1...4 bar(g);
< 0,5% Rd/bar at 0...1 bar(g)
Max. Kv-value6,6 x 10-2
Leak integrity, outboardtested < 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s He
Attitude sensitivitymax. error at 90° off horizontal 0,2% FS at 1 bar, typical N2
Warm-up time30 min. for optimum accuracy
2 min for accuracy ± 2% FS
Mechanical parts
Material (wetted parts)stainless steel 316L or comparable
Process connectionscompression type or face seal couplings
Sealsstandard: Viton®; option: Kalrez® (FFKM)
Weight0,6 kg
Ingress protectionIP40
Electrical properties
Power supply+ 15 … 24 Vdc
Max. power consumption
15 V
24 V
at voltage I/O
290 mA
200 mA
at current I/O
320 mA
215 mA
Analog output0…5 (10) Vdc or 0 (4)…20 mA (sourcing output)
Digital communicationRS232 or Modbus-RTU or -ASCII (RS485)
Electrical connection
Power/Analog/RS232/RS4859-pin D-connector (male)
Control valve options
External actuator options to be connected to the controller
Certification for hazardous areas
Approvals / certificates

Technical specifications subject to change without notice.

For dimensional drawings and hook-up diagrams please visit the product page on our website


EL-FLOW Base Brochure
Manual EL-FLOW Base
Quick installation guide
Hook-up diagrams
Analog IO - RS232
Dimensional drawing
Dimensional drawing F-201AB
Solids 3D


1 Kings Court
Willie Snaith Road
Newmarket Suffolk CB8 7TG
Tel. +44 1223 833222
[email protected]

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