
Flow control in lithium-ion battery production

Flow control in battery filling processes

With the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, the utilization of lithium-ion batteries is increasing. The majority of electric vehicles rely on lithium-ion batteries. Within the production processes of these batteries, the implementation of flow meters becomes indispensable.

Precise dosing

Precisely dosing the flow rate in the anode and cathode material production process as well as precise batch dosing for filling the battery with electrolyte, is crucial in enhancing the ultimate battery performance.

Flow control in battery production

How can flow control help in battery production processes?

  • Mixing of anode and cathode materials (NiSO4, MnSO4, CoSO4, NaOH, NH4OH): to ensure impeccable mixing and blending, Bronkhorst can offer the utilization of master/slave ratio control solutions, next to continuous dosing each ingredient separately.
  • Electrolyte filling: the quality of electrolyte infusion within the cells profoundly impacts the eventual battery performance. This infusion is often executed using imprecise pumps. Bronkhorst offers a compact and accurate batch dosing solution with excellent repeatability and accuracy.
  • Slot die coating of anode and cathode material: the uniformity of flow directly correlates with the consistency of the deposited layer's thickness. The (low) flow rate must be kept independent of fluidic and ambient variables and needs fast response times.
  • Supply of gases to facilitate the heating profile during electrolyte drying: Bronkhorst solutions can accurately control and supply gas and compensate for fluctuating back pressure.

Benefits of using our flow meters & flow controllers:

  • Highly accurate batch dosing (first time right) 
  • High repeatability; Every time the same amount is dosed which results in higher product quality
  • Easy ratio control
  • Flow measurement independent of the fluid and ambient properties

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Flow control in battery filling process

Flow devices used in customer applications